Craving is a site specific spatial sound composition set up by Bernhard Garnicnig and Gottfried Haider in the public space of Vienna's Donaucity district. There they arranged musical and spoken sound fragments inspired by the late Sarah Kane's play Crave. The selection of sounds and their spatial as well as temporal distribution follows a detailed study of the text and the emotional tectonics of the physical space itself. The latter one is reflected in features such as rhythms and flows of pedestrian movements and architectural layers.
The piece is experienced by the listener while he individually wanders though the outskirt high-rise area. He wears headphones and a GPS- and sensor equipped computing device, allowing the composition to unfold while he drifts through the area. A binaural sound simulation incorporates the sounds that have been affiliated by the artists to certain places into his acoustic environment, as if they were around him. While the listener explores the urban environment himself he is also shaping his very own spatial sound narrative. The project is based on the artists' self-developed software Global Player.